
The Problem with “Slut-walks”

Back in an ancient time called the 1980’s I had the privilege of being one of the founding members of “Northern Chaps” (then Edmonton’s Leather/Levi group) for gay and bi men.

We’d get together on weekends, heading out for socializing at some of the gay bars that were around then.

What do you think we’d be dressing like when going out?  We’d probably be wearing a combination of leather pants (or chaps) and a vest, cap, and other various “naughty” accouterment.

We were going out to express our individuality, and of course there was a sexually-charged feel to the event “going out to be frisky and more than a bit “slutty”.

I believe that anyone should be able to dress the way they want!

If a guy wants to go out in leather, or other sexy clothes, fine.  If a woman wants to go out dressed in a “slutty” style or otherwise sexy way, that’s fine too.  (all in keeping with laws or course)

If I walk down Jasper avenue at night in chaps, a vest and nipple clamps – I wouldn’t be surprised if someone made a comment while driving by.  In fact a LOT of people DID.

I still get to dress the way I want.

If a woman wants to wear stilettos, fishnet stockings and a skimpy top – that’s also fine.  She gets to dress the way she wants.

When someone would say “hey, you look slutty” to us back then, we weren’t all offended and ready to make a “march for equality”.  We deliberately dressed in a slutty fashion for attention and “fun”.  I wasn’t really surprised if someone noticed.

There were times when some of us would dress like police (you know, like in Village People).  Once in a while a passer-by might come over and say “hey, someone took my wallet..” or something similar.  We had to explain that we weren’t real police.  “We’re going to a partaaaay!”

They asked us because we LOOKED like police.

If you want to express the freedom to dress ANY WAY YOU WANT that’s fine – just don’t be complaining about people noticing you have done want you wanted to – dressed in a slutty way.


My name is David but my online nick almost everywhere is Altabear. I'm a web developer, graphic artist and outspoken human rights (and by extension, mens rights) advocate. Married to my gorgeous husband for 15 years, together for 27 and living with our partner of 7 years, in beautiful Edmonton, Canada.

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