
Flip-flop, Flip-Flop Brian Jean – opposing farm worker protection – he once supported

Brian Jean – opposing changes protecting farm workers – he once supported!

Flip-flop, flip-flop…

He’s been making a point of “opposing” the evil Bill 6 all over the media, and taking advantage of some rallies and protests.

Interesting thing though, is that he was in favor of that coverage 8 months ago (before the NDP announced IT).

Here’s the sound clip:


The clip and original story is here on


My name is David but my online nick almost everywhere is Altabear. I'm a web developer, graphic artist and outspoken human rights (and by extension, mens rights) advocate. Married to my gorgeous husband for 12 years, together for 25 and living with our partner of 4 years, in beautiful Edmonton, Canada.

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