
Don Lemon Didn’t Mean to Create Panic, Clarifies His Show Announcement

Author: Tracy E. Gilchrist

There was panic on the internet on Friday when CNN anchor Don Lemon signaled during the broadcast of his show that’s run for seven years that it would be ending. Many social media users interpreted the announcement to mean he would leave the network altogether.

“This is the last night that will be CNN Tonight With Don Lemon. So I appreciate all the years of CNN Tonight With Don Lemon, but changes are coming, and I will fill you in,” Lemon said at the close of Friday’s show.

By the time Lemon returned to his office after the show, social media users were in a tailspin under the impression that he was leaving. He posted a video for everyone to “Calm down. I didn’t say I was leaving CNN. I just said it was the end of an era for CNN Tonight With Don Lemon.”

He then encouraged fans to tune in on Monday to hear the news. But the internet wouldn’t allow the announcement to hold until then. By Saturday morning, Lemon spilled the beans.

“Didn’t mean to set the internet on fire. What I said last night was true,” Lemon wrote on his social media platforms. “CNN Tonight With Don Lemon is no more. I’ll be back on Monday with my newly named show Don Lemon Tonight. See you Monday at 10pE.”

The out anchor has offered a steady and essential voice during the Trump administration’s reign and especially during the reckoning around racial justice that kicked into high gear with the killing of George Floyd and so many others.

Don Lemon Tonight will take the time slot of CNN Tonight.

Original Article on The Advocate
Author: Tracy E. Gilchrist


My name is David but my online nick almost everywhere is Altabear. I'm a web developer, graphic artist and outspoken human rights (and by extension, mens rights) advocate. Married to my gorgeous husband for 15 years, together for 27 and living with our partner of 7 years, in beautiful Edmonton, Canada.

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