
‘Dancing With the Stars’ Cody Rigsby Announces He Has COVID

Author: Mikelle Street

About a week after his Dancing With the Stars partner announced that she had contracted the virus at the center of the ongoing global pandemic, Peloton star Cody Rigsby has tested positive as well. He announced the news on his Instagram.

“While I am fully vaccinated and took many precautions, following CDC guidelines, I recently tested positive for COVID-19,” he wrote in a caption. “To properly rest and recover as well as avoid exposing others, I will be taking a break in the coming days.”

After competing, and doing well during Week 1, Rigsby’s partner, Cheryl Burke, became the first contestant on the series to test positive. As a result Burke did not appear for Week 2. Out of an “abundance of caution,” Rigsby also did not appear in-person for Week 2 filming. The two were not disqualified though, and their taped rehearsal was scored instead.

It is unclear whether the duet will be disqualified now. They scored 24 out of 40 for both weeks.

“I have really mild symptoms: Congestion, a little bit of a headache, cough,” Rigsby said in the video. “But in comparison to when I had COVID earlier this year, it is night and day, so that must be the vaccine and antibodies working—we’re super grateful for that.” The Peloton instructor first announced he was fighting the virus back in February, but had recovered. 

This is breaking news and will be updated.

Original Article on The Advocate
Author: Mikelle Street


My name is David but my online nick almost everywhere is Altabear. I'm a web developer, graphic artist and outspoken human rights (and by extension, mens rights) advocate. Married to my gorgeous husband for 12 years, together for 25 and living with our partner of 4 years, in beautiful Edmonton, Canada.

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