
Cardi B Blasts Idea That Toy Kitchen Sets for Boys Are ‘Gay’

Author: Alex Cooper

Cardi B has once again reminded us that she will not tolerate people’s anti-LGBTQ+ ridiculousness.

The out Grammy-winning rapper ripped social media users were said that a little boy playing with a toy kitchen set was “gay.”

Cardi B’s response came after parents shared pictures of their sons playing in the toy kitchen sets, similar to the one YouTube star Ryan Kaji played with in a video on his channel Ryan’s World.

Things turned for the homophobic worse when a mother posted a photo of her son playing in the toy kitchen. One commenter wrote, “DO NOT buy your son a kitchen set for Christmas… get him a tool set… don’t put the wrong ideals in ya son head at an early age,” according to PinkNews.

Another person reposted the photo and wrote, “People on facebook having a full blown gender war about this photo.”

Cardi B then shut down the conversation.

“The fact that Ryans world the little boy from YOuTube make millions and he have a kitchen set like this and y’all worry about if this gay or not … Stop being so close minded and dumb,” she wrote.

Many other users also chimed in defending boys playing with kitchen sets, with many pointing out that you kind of have to cook in order to survive.

Others posted their sons in the kitchen or pursuing their culinary dreams.

And others mocked those criticizing the toy kitchen.

Cardi B, who has been open about her bisexuality, is no stranger to supporting the LGBTQ+ community. A few weeks ago she was featured ordaining a marriage between two women in her show Cardi Tries __.

Original Article on The Advocate
Author: Alex Cooper


My name is David but my online nick almost everywhere is Altabear. I'm a web developer, graphic artist and outspoken human rights (and by extension, mens rights) advocate. Married to my gorgeous husband for 15 years, together for 27 and living with our partner of 7 years, in beautiful Edmonton, Canada.

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