
A Prop 8 couple remembers how much of an LGBTQ+ ally Kamala Harris is

Author: Christopher Wiggins

As the Democratic National Convention in Chicago buzzed with anticipation of Gov. Tim Walz’s acceptance speech, Kris Perry and Sandy Stier, the California couple whose legal battle against Proposition 8 restored same-sex marriage in the state, took a moment to speak with The AdvocateJosh Edelson/AFP via Getty ImagesKobby Dagan/Shutterstock; Sheila Fitzgerald/Shutterstock

Stier laughed, “She was jumping out of the car, racing off…we were like, let’s be careful driving. And we don’t want her to get hurt because she’s so enthusiastic. After all, she literally was leaping in and out of the car as we were driving along Market Street.”

Their relationship with Harris is also intertwined with their family, particularly their son, Spencer, who has worked for Harris in various capacities. “The kid that she asks about is our son, Spencer, who worked for her both in her Senate office and actually when she was AG and running, so on three different tours of duty,” Perry shared. “And so he is so moved and proud of her, and I feel this mutual respect and kindness from her towards him.”

Stier added that she also gives their son advice like “any good surrogate parent or auntie.”

“So when Spencer was getting ready to take the bar, she said this is how you should study. And then Doug was standing right next to her saying but also do this other thing. So he was getting a little bit of advice from both of them, and they were conflicting. That’s just who they are.”

As they prepared to watch their story take center stage in a video presentation during Wednesday evening’s program, Perry and Stier reflected on the broader significance of this moment for the LGBTQ+ community. “We hope that when other families see us there, they know that we’re there on behalf of them,” Stier said. “Our family is an American family, and so is every other family out there. And so we hope everybody can feel that love and warm embrace from Kamala Harris that we have felt all these years.”

Intertwined with Harris’s rise, their story symbolizes the progress made and the hope for an even brighter future.

“We’re just so proud to be a part of this moment,” Perry said. “And we know that with Kamala Harris leading the way, we’re moving toward a future where everyone can feel the same sense of belonging and equality that we’ve fought so hard for.”

Original Article on The Advocate
Author: Christopher Wiggins

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