
New Mormon Church policies ban trans people from getting baptized, group them with pedophiles – LGBTQ Nation

Author: Elsie Carson-Holt

The Mormon Church became increasingly bigoted towards transgender church members this week, with new anti-trans policies saying that those who have transitioned socially but not medically are not allowed to be baptized and threatening to categorize them with child abusers, the Advocate

“Church leaders counsel against pursuing surgical, medical, or social transition away from one’s biological sex at birth. … Leaders advise that taking these actions will result in some Church membership restrictions. These restrictions include receiving or exercising the priesthood, receiving or using a temple recommend, and serving in some Church callings,” the handbook says.

Trans people who completely “transition away from their biological sex at birth” will not be denied from the church completely, but “these individuals and their families are encouraged to counsel with their local leaders regarding Church participation.”

In 2020, the church said those who have transitioned medically would be denied baptism and has now expanded that to social transition as well. Detransitioning will make trans Mormons eligible for baptism, the handbook says.

NBC News reported that “Trans members will also face possible annotation on their membership records, grouping them with churchgoers who have committed incest, sexual predatory behavior, sexual violence against children, and embezzlement of church funds.”

The Salt Lake Tribune says that the policy changes mean that trans people “cannot stay at most youth camps overnight” and “are urged to use single-occupancy restrooms at church meetinghouses or station a ‘trusted person’ outside to keep others from entering when they use a restroom that aligns with their personal gender identity.”

Affirmation is an organization for LGBTQ+ Mormons that strongly condemned the decision. “We mourn with our transgender siblings as we wrestle with the painful impact of recent policy changes and guidelines released by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints,” said a statement from the group. “With over 45 years of providing support to LGBTQIA+ individuals who are current and former members of the Church, we know first-hand the pain that policies like this cause. We stand with our transgender siblings.”

Despite the demeaning policy changes, the handbook does state that transgender people “often face complex challenges” and “should be treated with sensitivity, kindness, compassion, and Christlike love.” It stops short of granting them equality.

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Author: Elsie Carson-Holt

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