
Always Sunny’s Rob McElhenney Calls His Lesbian Moms a ‘Great Gift’

Author: Daniel Reynolds

Rob McElhenney’s moms are featured in a new GLAAD video for Mother’s Day — and the Always Sunny in Philadelphia star couldn’t be prouder.

“No family looks exactly the same. So proud to call both of these ladies ‘Mom,'” McElhenney wrote Thursday in a retweet of the spotlight.

As recounted in the video, Helena McElhenney met her wife, Mary Taylor, 37 years ago after beginning a career in nursing. It was love at first sight. “The minute I met her, she was the person that I knew I wanted to spend the rest of my life with,” Helena said.

“I would go home and say, ‘I met this woman. I just love her. I can’t help myself. The blue eyes melt my heart,'” Taylor added. “Then it hit, and love is love.”

Reflecting on their decades-long relationship, Taylor said it was at times “really tough, but we got through it.” The pair married about three years ago. And they credit their family members for helping their love last.

“If I could go back, I would tell me to not be afraid, to be strong and know that because you are who you are and you have a loving family, that they’ll support you,” Helena said.

In a statement accompanying the release of the video, Rob, 44, called his moms a “great gift.”

“I get asked a lot about what it was like to have two moms. The truth is that it was a pretty great gift,” the Mythic Quest star said. “By the standards of 1984 South Philadelphia, our upbringing was unconventional, but my brother, sister, and I were able to recognize early on that not every family looked exactly the same or like what we saw on television. Yet we had nothing but love and support and compassion and empathy. And I think that that allowed us to flourish.”

Rob is an ally of the LGBTQ+ community with close ties to it. In addition to his mothers, he has two gay brothers. And his Always Sunny character, Mac, is also gay.

Watch the GLAAD video on his moms below.

Original Article on The Advocate
Author: Daniel Reynolds


My name is David but my online nick almost everywhere is Altabear. I'm a web developer, graphic artist and outspoken human rights (and by extension, mens rights) advocate. Married to my gorgeous husband for 15 years, together for 27 and living with our partner of 7 years, in beautiful Edmonton, Canada.

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